UKC Advertising
Why UKClimbing and UKHillwalking and are the most popular and most widely read climbing, walking and mountaineering media in the World. Whatever you have to offer, there is no place better to advertise it to outdoor enthusiasts. measures the traffic at websites, giving an indication of how many people visit a website, how many pages they look at and how long they visit. This graph shows the user sessions (number of visits made to the site) of various Climbing and Mountaineering Web sites across the World.
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Our complete advertising service offers you the best way to communicate your message to the most people.
What We Offer
Graphic Advertising
Leaderboard, MPU and Large Mobile banners appear on all and pages. Our graphic advertising complies with the Better Ads Standards as developed by the Coalition for Better Ads.More details here
Product News or Press Release
Promote your news about products and press releases.Contact us for more details
Sponsor the Weekly Newsletter
Sponsor our weekly newsletter which goes out to 33k registered readers.Contact us for more details
Run a competition on our Home Page.Contact us for more details
Premier Post
Fixed positions on our popular forums.More details here
Premier Listing
Enhanced listings on the UKC/UKH Directory.More details here
Commercial Profile
Use our forums with your business name.
More details here
We also offer sponsored articles and digital features, trade show visits and reports, resident graphic adverts and fullsocial media support via Twitter and Facebook. Contact us for more details